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Anchor 7

De-TURF has two classess for  children aged between 7-12  According to the World Health Organisation, children who are physically active have:


  • Less chance of becoming overweight

  • Increased strength & fitness

  • Stronger heart & lungs

  • Stronger bones

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Reduction in anxiety and stress

  • Improved self-esteem

De-TURF fun kids


This is designed for little ones between 5-8 years old. Playground like games are incorporated into these workshops to ensure kids have fun whilst keeping fit and healthy. This workshop is undertaken using one piece of equipment to help develop and plant the seeds of dance, physical expression and sports movement. If we want our children to lead happy healthy lives, we need to get them moving De-TURF style!


De-TURF will design all sessions to meet the needs of the participants taking into consideration age, ability and experience and the times of the workshop(s) will be co-ordinated to fit in with school hours with appropriate breaks arranged throughout the workshop.


Suitable for KS 1- year 2

Bean bags, Bats/Rackets, Hula hoops, Gym rings.






De-TURF fit juniors

This is the perfect hybrid between dance, physical education and sports, which creates high energy movement and rhythmic sequences. The best way to ensure that younger children achieve the recommended minimum 60 minutes of physical activity per day is to let them play, De-TURF style.

This session will help with co-ordination, rhythm and timing of the participants. It will also cover mobilisation, strength, stamina and stretching. This new style of session will also be full of clean popular chart songs/ and funky house music. Moves are repeated so that the participants can really get hold of the routines and to get the best out of all the movements given.

By the end of the session the pupils will feel fitter, skills in catching, bouncing, tapping and swinging etc will have improved, and a real sense of achievement will leave the participants wanting more.


Suitable for KS 2- year 3-6. KS 3- year 7-8

Bean bags, Rackets/Bats, Hula hoops, Balls, Gym rings, year 6,7 and 8 can include Plastic Hockey sticks.


De-TURF will design all sessions to meet the needs of the participants taking into

consideration age, ability and dance/ sport experience. It is also made for BTEC, GCSE students, colleges and University's.

Suitable for KS 2- year group 6, KS 3, KS 4- year groups 7-9, 10-11

Bean bags, Bats/Rackets, Hula hoops, Balls, Gym rings, Play hok-Hockey sticks.




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